Our School » School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform

Burton Elementary School School Uniform Policy strongly encourages students to come in uniform Monday-Thursday.  Friday is always Free Dress Day where students can wear the outfit of their choice.  School uniforms help to promote a single standard of dress. Therefore, school become less competitive and more focused on learning.  Uniforms help to to build a sense of community within the school, uniforms create an atmosphere of belonging. This essence of unity can positively effect a child's attitude toward school and can lead to better learning and improved attendance. A child excited about school is a child ready to learn at Burton! Uniforms eliminate the need to argue over what to wear to school everyday. Through simplicity, uniforms promote time efficiency, organization, and neatness. Parents and students agree that getting the morning off right is the key to a productive and happy day.


White tops, navy or khaki pants, shorts or skirt. Please write your child’s name on jackets and sweaters or blouse with khaki pants, shorts or skirt.